Fixing Stuff Around Myself

Ramsha Afzal
2 min readApr 2, 2021

when i am reading this lecture i was sitting in our kitchen and think to fixing the stuff of kitchen. i feel very happy to doing this.

kitchen cabin

Disorganized stuff

when open the cabin i saw it need to fixed

Disorganized stuff

Organized Stuff

After the organized the thing on their places.

organized stuff

Which subjects need to organized

need to organized

the highlight thing need to organized in to their place that i have done by organizing them.

The things that i fixed

organized stuff

in this pic are of the kitchen stuff place on their place and look beautiful

i feel very happy after doing this, if amal not asked me to do some kind of act then i also this because cleaning of our houses is our moral duties, and feel very satisfied when we do such kind of the things. Thank you so much amal to remained me that even in work load you should pay on your duties. thank you once again.

